Monday, June 17, 2024

The Scarlet Woman Who Rides the Beast in Revelation 17:3

Originally written June 17, 2024

My video testimony can be viewed here.

I can be reached at

More Revelations, so to speak. This will just kind of be a catch all.

My uncle Ken died on 3/17/23. The number 317 is the 66th prime.

The phrase "Number of the Beast" = 66 in Reduction.

Ken's passing was just another sign that the Kabbalists are gearing up to aid Lucifer in the end fight with God. Interesting, because by my calculations, I always figured Jesus would return between the years of 2027 and 2033. Would make sense, because as you read this blog, you will see 27 and 33 as a recurring theme.

The number 317 is very special. First of all, its prime is 66.

Next of all, if you add 3+1+7 = 11, the master number.

If you multiply, 3x1x7 = 21, which can be broken down into 7+7+7.

Next, 317 is found in the 137th spot of Pi.

It is also at the 137th spot in Phi, the Golden Ratio. I haven't come across another number yet like 317, that holds exact place values in both Pi and Phi.

The number 137 is the 33rd prime.

How interesting is it, that if you add the 33 prime from Pi, and 33 prime from Phi, you come back to that prime of 66 for 317?


Revelation 17:3, with the header = 666.

Notice the verse has a total of 36 words, where not only is 36 = 6x6, and 36 the triangular of 666, but 36 is also the value of the last name "Housego".

Now, my Grandma Housego's name was "Fuchsia".

The name "Fuchsia", by definition means a strong, vivid purplish red. I think one could argue that this could be called a certain-shade of "scarlet".

The reason I mention it, is because my Grandma died on 6/16, which is the "alternate number of the beast".

I'll just add here, because it's just too uncanny, that her middle name was "Delilah", and that name is mentioned 6 times in the King James Bible.

Interesting connect to the 317 and 137, because of course 137 is the 33rd prime.

The number 33 is also "Eclipse"

This 67 seems to line up well with the next "Total Solar Eclipse".

Because she died on 6/16/17, which was 67 days before the August 21 "Total Solar Eclipse".


I was just cleaning off my desktop to make more pics, as it always gets clogged as I write these blogs. I'll just add it here as more evidence of ... whatever, just because I have nowhere to put it and I need space.

And that is, that from my Dad's passing to the next "Total Solar Eclipse", was 616 days, just like his mother died on 6/16, this being 6 years later.

In fact, it was 6 years, 3 months, 1 week and 1 day from my Dad's death to my Grandma's, where 6311 is the 821st prime, and the eclipse my Grandmother's death was aligned to was 8/21.

The reason why I circled the 56 and 48 on this particular slide, is because the eclipse 4/8 my Dad was killed for, 13 years 31 days after his death, has a crown numerology of 56, just like this November 13th eclipse.

Notice the 88 weeks too. Now, this gets back to 88 constellations in the sky, 88 being a time number, 88 being related to eclipses, 88 keys on a piano which is often tied into death rituals. And not only all these connections, but my Dad was born with an 88 crown.

Now I didn't want to get off on a tangent here, but as I get spanning dates from Dad's birth to his passing, I couldn't help but notice that from his birth to this 4/8 eclipse was a total of 26,323 days.

And with number-to-word associations, my brain automatically picks up on the 26 = "God"...

and the 323 = "Lucifer".

So I guess to me, it's no wonder why these Luciferians would choose 13 years and 31 days prior to this eclipse to off my Dad for their god Lucifer.

But going back to my grandmother, uncle Ken, and the Book of Revelation.

So, not only does Revelation 17:3 talk about scarlet, which I've associated with my grandmother's name, but carrying on with verses 4 and 5, we are told of the woman's name who rides the beast, which is written on her forehead.

Now this just happened to me on accident, and I don't doubt it was the Holy Spirit working through me. But I was only wanting to copy and find the values of verses 3-5, but clicked on 3-6 by accident, just like how our family last name = 36. The value in Reduction is quickly what caught my eye.

I found this interesting, just for the fact that it was 2,040 days between my Uncle Pope to my Uncle Ken being killed, representing the 24 in these verses' sum.

It was also the 300 year anniversary of modern-day Freemasonry in 2017, and my Uncle Pope, with a Reduction name value of 52, and "Pope" = 52 in Ordinal, died at the age of 52, and was dead 52 days from the Grand Lodge anniversary. Furthermore, the date of August 15/17, the day Uncle Pope died, held numerology of 24.

The number 24 is triangular of that 300 years.

The 74 in those verses' value in the 2474, I would suggest gets back to the values of "Masonic" and "Killing".

Thus making up the 2474 we seen in Revelation 17 (The number '17 like year Uncle Pope and Grandma died, and 1717 the year the Grand Lodge of England founded, the anniversary for which he was aligned) verses 3-6, like 36 = "Housego" and 36 like the triangular of 666.

Again, I'm getting sidetracked. It just seems the evidence is overwhelming. Either I have friends and family being killed in satanic numeric rituals, or we live in a numerical matrix. Perhaps both? But I ask the reader, which of these scenarios is less likely delusional? Friends and family being killed off by a satanic cult, or living in a predetermined hologram? I chose friends and family being murdered, and that is what got me labelled with Delusional Disorder in order that they cover up their crimes. They enjoyed doing it too. In retrospect, the duper's delight was very apparent. Mockery is one of their favorites, right up there after lies and intimidation. Bunch of bullied nerds lashing out as adults.

I only meant to copy verses 3-5 in Revelation 17, which without the headers, comes out to a value of 1818. I did this because the scarlet woman who rides the beast, her name is given to us in verse five. There happens to be 88 words in these verses, and the 39 and 93 coming together for 393 as it relates to the eclipse code.

These 18s in the 1818, taken separate, are each 6+6+6. So in essence, we have six 6s. SIX SIXES, keep this in mind for what I'm about to show.

So, considering that 173 is found at 137 in both Pi and Phi, let's take a look at the value of Revelation 3:17, the other way March 17th is written my part of the world, as 3/17.

I couldn't help but notice the 33 words, but more so than that, 641 is the 116th prime.

Alright. So, know that I was arrested and kept in jail for 32 days ("Tammy Scott" = 32), and the psych hospital for 84 days, a total of 116 days.

This all ties into the passing of my friend "Tammy" on 2/28/23, and 18 days later my Uncle Ken dies on a on a 27 life path. "Tammy" = 18 and 27.

The words "Tammy", "Housego" and the word "Ritual" all hold values of 27. The number 81 reflects the word "Ritual".

The 41 of the 410 represents a specific time span, and the life paths of the alleged perpetrators birthday in 2022, and my release from hospital in 2023. (Scroll to bottom to understand). The 0s you see tacked on the end of 41s, those are what are considered crowns, and they represent my friend Tammy Scott, and my Uncle Ken. Probably two rungs up the ladder in the masonic fraternity for their killers, maybe more.

Despite claiming to know nothing about gematria, the psychiatrist told me to 'watch the Jewish cipher'. So I took his advice, and I do.

The 116 prime in Revelation 3:17 was a huge find. On 11/6 in 2023, I had a ritual pulled on a me at a local car dealership that I called a "six sixes" ritual. I wrote about it here. It essentially entailed a sign being hung in a vehicle window right as I passed, a vehicle that was being priced at $82,999.

The number "Eighty two", when written out, tallies 666 in Reverse Sumerian (a cipher based on the number 6), and 999 is simply 666 turned upside down. That's what the satanists do, turn everything upside down. So, what we have is a ritual purporting "six sixes".

The numbers 90 and 99 are also the Ordinal and Reverse Ordinal values of "Housego", which are also a huge factoring in of this ritual.

"Six Sixes" also relates back to my Dad and these time-based rituals. The number 169 is 13x13, where 13 is mastery of time, witchery, and death in the tarot deck. The number 41 is the 13th prime.

Alright. Uncle Ken died on 3/17. I was released 15 days later on 3/31, where 331 is the 67th prime.

And why is this important, you ask?

Let me quickly take care of the 67. So, it was 15 days from Ken's death on 3/17 to 3/31, the day I was released. The number 331 is the 67th prime.

This 3/17 death date is found in the Masonic magick square in the square portion that is akin to their masonic square/compass G logo, and this is a square which all rows add to 15. The date of 3/31 just happens to be the 90th day of the year, which is the degrees at which a square rests.

The number 15 is the life path on which my father died and reflects the same. This square with all its sides adds to 90, just like "Housego" = 90, and just like how I was released from the psych hospital on the 90th day of the year. The number 9 is the number of completion finality, and the 0 emphasizes its importance.

As I was looking for the above graphic, I came upon a slide where my name "Michael" is mentioned 15 times in the Bible, 13 different chapters in 7 books at that, rearranged numbers to Ken's 317 passing, and 137 being the number where 317 is found in Pi and Phi. One of the things I find most difficult to interpret is whether the deaths and Tammy and Ken were a long time in planning, or if they were done to punish and intimidate me while incarcerated. Honestly, I believe their deaths were planned for a long time, and that my time in jail/psych were more planning of the short term, but happened to coincide.

The number 15 is the prime of 47, where 47 is the Ordinal value of "Time".

Maybe they're timing it with the Fibonacci of my birthday.

Now, remember Revelation 3:17 = 641, which is the 116th prime, representing the 116 days I was kept in hospital. When written, "One hundred sixteen" has 204 and 87 gematria, exactly the same as "Delusional Disorder", and these values also match the last names of the judge, psychiatrist and lawyer whom exacted these rituals.

The 28/2 is representative of the day my friend Tammy Scott died, and 84 is representative of my 84 days in a "Jesuit" = 84 hospital, that housed - you guessed it - 84 patients.

The 255? I always divide numbers ending in five by five, to see how many fives there are. Well, 255/5 = 51. The number 51 is "Michael" in Ordinal, and also happens to be the 6th pentagonal number.


And I have to break here, because I noticed that "Delusional Disorder" is 1015 in Fibonacci.

This find is important because my life was threatened repeatedly leading up to the date of October 15th in 2022.

From the 10/15/22 date I was repeatedly threatened with until the day of diagnosis on 3/1/23, was a span of 137 days.

Of course, 137 is the 33rd prime.

And once again, you know what's awesome about this? Is that for enduring all this satanic crap, Yahweh handed me a 777 crown on 4/14/23. It just happened to be a span of 4 months 14 days between death threat day to diagnosis.

Again, these fools have no idea what they're doing messing with the Most High. So deceived.

The "perfect" finality spoken in 9 words. Completion. Get ready, He's coming for you Satanist scum.

The October 15 date...

...happens to be 27 days from 11/11/22, the date that my 66-named masonic uncle was over at the 77th anniversary of World War II, or 3 weeks 6 days after, representing a 36.

How many times must these patterns and numbers repeat?

From my masonic uncle's birthday and my release date both yielded a 77! Imagine my shock!

Who could be orchestrating all this? It's hard to figure out... /rolleyes

It was 11 weeks, 6 days from that October death threat date to the time I was put in the psych ward on January 6, 2023, that 116 I'm telling you about right now...

... or 84 days in total including the end date.

It can also be represented as 2 months and 22 days, a 222, like how I was first arrested on 2/22/2022 and put in a cell at 2:22am.

 Just like "Order out of Chaos" = 222. I suppose this is what was being attempted.

It was 137 days from this October date to my "Delusional Disorder" diagnosis, where again, 137 is the 33rd prime. The day of Tammy's death, or including the end date the day before, is also 137 days. This discovery actually ties into this post really well.

You see, Tammy passed on 2/28, and I was diagnosed the following day, on 3/1. She passed while I was in hospital, and I didn't even get a chance to get to her funeral as a result.

Again, here is their riddle in a nutshell. Three Tammy Scotts passed in 2023. The first two passed 116 days apart, then the third passed on 11/6. You can read about their passings in detail here.

Alright. So I have another find yet again, this time in the value of "Three Tammy Scotts".

This is important, because in 2024 on 6/2 or February 6th, I received a 13 Nickel, which I wrote about here. This was a profound event, and blew me away with all the synchronicity at the time. It just got worse right now. The date I was given that nickel had a 16 life path. Not only does "sixteen" = 33, and this event 62 days from the eclipse, but it makes me think of being transferred from jail to psych hospital on January 6, 2023. All very important, because this 1/6/23 date to the 2/6/24 nickel incident was 1 year 1 month exactly, or 13 months. Tack a day on, and you get a 111, a Hebrew 666. It was 131 days between events, representing "Ritual Human Sacrifice".

Or, it was a 397 day span.

The number 397 being the 78th prime.

Well, this makes me think of 78 being written on the bridge here in town (picture further down) on the Oct 14/23 eclipse.

Wow. It was 116 days from that October 14th eclipse to the 13 nickel on 2/6/24.

Please watch the first, say 1/2 hour or so of this video to understand the 78 and Crowley's black magick.

I'm going to work backwards. From the third Tammy Scott dying on 11/6 last year, to the nickel event, was 93 days.

This is to me is Saturnian time magick, Thelema, the works of Aleister Crowley, from which much of this magick is taken from. No wonder I got the nickel when I did.

The second Tammy Scott, who died 116 days after the first, died on the Freemasonry anniversary of June 24/23. The time from her death to this nickel event spells out the date in which the first Tammy died on February 28/23.

June 24th... If you can read the URL, it says "Freemasonry Blood Sacrifices".

And from that date of February 28 to the nickel event is 343 days.

The number 343 is 7x7x7. I find this repulsive. I wrote about my friend Tammy's death here and tied it to 777 rituals. Simply put, her death date of 2/28 and birthday of 11/5 added together = 343.

I even reported seeing a 343 car when I left the store that day. Check my blog. Just wow.

These people are sick. Again you can say whatever you like, but this is not Delusional Disorder, this is a bunch of depraved witches and warlocks slaughtering my friends and family. The numbers don't lie.

I'm warning the public to wake up. They're killing your friends and families too in the same manner. My friends and family are not an anomaly. They do it wherever and whenever they can.  I see it every week in the local obituary section, another ritual killing by the numbers.

Cults of Baal operate today, just as they did in the Old Testament, offering blood sacrifices to that scarlet woman who rides the beast, known as the Queen of Heaven, and throughout many civilizations as Ishtar, Isis, Inanna, Semiramis, Diana, among others.

I hope you bastards are reading my blog, and know your souls are going to burn for eternity lest ye repent.

Jesus is coming for you. If you don't repent, know that I've asked Yahweh personally to let me chuck you in the Lake of Fire on the Day of Judgment. I will testify against each and every one of you.


Consider the song Murder by Numbers by The Police.

With song title and lyrics, the value comes out to 5858.

Well, not only is 58 main number for "Freemasonry", which is why my Dad died at 58...

... but consider that 58+58 = 116. Yeah. Complaining of Murder by Numbers is exactly what landed me in the loony bin. Notice the total of 351 words in the song? The number 351 is the 26th triangular number, again akin to exactly what this song preaches, is that these people are playing "God" = 26.

Going back to October 15th, the day they were threatening me over, it had a life path of 31, which is the 11th prime. The date March 1, like 1/3 or 3/1, the day of diagnoses, was an 11 life path, this 11 months before my birthday of February first, which also holds an 11 life path this year. But see, I'm off on a rant now...

67 = "Total Solar Eclipse", "Blood Sacrifice", "Human Sacrifice".

31 is the 11th prime. (this is the life path line). You can see it lined up with 11 life path across the way, this diagnosis given 11 months from my upcoming 11 life path this year on Feb 1.

288 = "Blood" in Sumerian.

In fact, add those numbers across in a line, you get some sick numbers.

The 11<---- > 9, know that this year I had a major ritual run on me that date too. Tonight I found out why. I timestamped this video here as to why.

The 4 months 14 days? It was April 14th in 2023 I received blessings from Yah, confirmed by a 777 on the gas pumps while I was filling up, telling me that the 40-page psych report I received was all a test of my faith. The number 40 just happens to be prime of 173, again, like 17/3 Uncle Ken died on. It was only by the loving power of Yahweh-Yahushua, Jesus Christ Almighty did I make it through all that.

It was 153 days from October 15th until my Uncle Ken died. The number 153 is the 17th triangular. Spells to me someone playing "God" = 17 again, and they way they line up a "kill" = 17. Hard to stop myself rambling on when one knows the Creator's code that's been hijacked by the devil.

And let me come back to that 77 days you see left in the year on October 15th.

Because this was what this whole post was based upon. Drum roll, please.

My masonic uncle went to the 77th anniversary of WW2 in France on 11/11/22. Funny, even year and month, the backwards 2211 is the 66th triangular, which 66 is the main number of his name.

Anyway, 41 is the 13th prime.

So what does one make of the following alignment? This man I accuse of orchestrating all of these killings and their coverup went to the 77th anniversary of World War II in 2022. From that 11/11/22 date to his November 24th birthday is 13 days.

Then from his birthday to my release from the psych hospital is 4 weeks 1 month, a 41. His birthday and my release date both sporting a 77 and 41 life path.

It was 41 days from the Oct 15, 2022 death threat date to this November 24th birthday.

From the eclipse in 2023 to his birthday was 41 days.

It's 42 days if you include the end date. Isn't it funny how a 78 appeared on the bridge on the day of the eclipse...

... just like your crown of 78 and life path 42 in 2023? There's 4 strokes of 2 around the 78?

 ... and a 1717, like your birthday is 153 days, the 17th triangular from the anniversary of Freemasonry? Like how the 2nd Tammy Scott died that day? Like the number "two" = 58 and 13? Like "Freemasonry" and mastery of time, witchery and death? Like my Uncle Pope killed for the anniversary of a lodge founded in 1717?

Like 3 x 17 (like 3/17 when Uncle Ken killed!) is 51, like my name "Michael", or 51 the 6th pentagonal number?

Or how about how B.H. is engraved in there, just like my Dad, "Bob Housego", who was killed on 3/8/11, that 13 years 31 days before the eclipse?

I wonder why I would think this was aimed at me? I must be delusional again, right?

The 127 days you see in the Nov 24 to Mar 31 date span is the 31st prime, and 31 is 11th prime. (up there a ways now...)

The 4 months, 7 days, the 47 getting back to "time" rituals.

One last thing; it was 389 days from Ken's death to the April 8 eclipse.

The number 389 is the 77th prime. Please see my "Housego Family Life Path Killings" blog for why this is so significant. Or just read on!

You could not "TIME" these rituals any better than this.

And the 18 weeks 1 day, a 181, the 42nd prime? Well, 42 = "Freemason". It's signature. Just like my Dad died on a 42 crown. Maybe that's why B.H. was etched into the bridge for a man who had a 42 life path in 2023? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I will again suggest this mason repent, AND ALL THESE LUCIFERIANS REPENT, because it just so happens to be 181 days from the date I was psychologically threatened with, was the day I received a 777 from Yahweh.

A little more to add on here too, has come to my attention.

It happens to be 77 days from the 4/8 eclipse to the 6/24 anniversary of the Grand Lodge. This is 7 years from the anniversary for which my Uncle Pope was killed. Well, look at this. You know, Uncle Pope died 358 days from his last birthday. Considering a week is 7 days, can one guess how many weeks it is from his death to this 6/24 anniversary?

If that isn't enough. Again, what is 358 the prime number of?

Interesting that the person orchestrating all this, his birthday is 24/11, or November 24?

I must be delusional, right? I mean, these things just line up naturally.

I mean, it's interesting that this 6/24 anniversary has a 74 crown and 38 life path.

I must be delusional again, for thinking that this could represent "Masonic" "Death" ?

Yeah, God is not happy. You fools and your number ritual magick have nothing on the Kings of kings and Lord of lords.

I should thank you at the same time though. Yahweh has handed me one of the most intense tasks, and that is to not hate you after hundreds of threats, intimidation, mockery, the murder of friends and family, job loss, the butchering of my children, injection of the global population with a bioweapon, illegitimate incarceration and a pseudo psychiatric diagnosis.


And you know what? I don't hate you, and I won't. Because despite all your debauchery, Yahushua still loves you, had instructed me to do the same, and is biding his time so that you may come to repentance. I still sit here smiling, counting my blessings, knowing full well what I have waiting for me on the other side.

I forgive you all, however, I cannot say I feel bad about your punishment at this point. You were all warned so many times.

I'm sure you can feel my continued prayers for your repentance.


Here's DeKoding with Kodi talking Derek Tikkuri of the Gematrinator website and Sean discussing 616 and other various numbers, like the 78 at beginning of broadcast. You'll hear many of the same numbers I've talked about here. Crowley is discussed in this video. In fact, I'm writing this on the night of 6/17 as it's taken me almost two days to watch the whole three and a half hours. I still have an hour to go.

The powers-that-ought-not-be script the sports same way they script news, and celebrity gossip, and politics and MURDER. Of course the mockery with me is, I'm the one with the delusions :)


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