Monday, October 14, 2024

Canadian Comedian Mike Bullard Thanksgiving/Eclipse/Halloween 67

Originally posted October 14, 2024.

We got news on October 13th of Canadian Comedian "Mike Bullard" dead on Friday, October 11th.

The Freemason chin grab...

This is an interesting date, simply because 2 years ago, in 2022, a friend of mine's wife's ex-husband's cousin was killed in a motorcycle accident on October 11. I didn't leave the house on my motorcycle that day because I feared I would be targeted. Imagine my shock when I opened our local newspaper later that week to find out that in fact another individual in our area had been killed in what I would call a very suspicious death. I did call and inform the OPP at the time. Though my gematria skills were maybe not as comprehensive as they are now, I did do a video on it, located here. In 2022, the dates of Jan 11, Oct 11, and Nov 1st were all a bit weary to me, and I called them the evilest days that would ever be until the year 2202. And this is because, when the date is reversed, we get the number of 222,111, which in fact happens to be the 666th triangular. The number 666 is one of the main numbers centering on Mike Bullard's death 2 years later. The fact this happened 2 years later after 2022 also seems to be of no coincidence, or the fact that the news of Mike's death is released to the public 2 days after his passing, three including the end date.

Mike's Bullard, according to his Wikipedia page, was born June 11, 1957, giving him a 39 life path.

He died 808 months old. For interest's sake, consider that it was 6:11pm that "Trump" = 88 was shot, on 13/7 this year, 137 the 33rd prime. That event was 13 weeks (week 7 days) before Mike's death.

The number 808 is found at the 105th place in Pi.

And this would be why it was "three days" total between death and news release.

 The date written out, "October 11, 2024", holds value of 88 and 43.

 Mike Bullard's life path number of of 39 is found at the 43rd spot in Pi.


"Mike Bullard" = 45.

With the "red background" in his chin-grabbing picture.

In Canada this weekend, many are celebrating "Thanksgiving".

"Thanksgiving" = 60.

My family is celebrating Thanksgiving today, 60 days after the anniversary of the passing of my Uncle Pope.

Uncle Pope died on a 60 crown.

I'd pray that by the end of the post, it would make one question some things. Some days I find things and it just makes me sick. Also, The January 22 date this year, the same time span from Dad to Dan, and Dan till this year, was January 22. It's 8 months 21 days, just like the 2017 eclipse, or 8 months 22 days like 8/22. Not to mention that January 22 also has 67 and 31 numerology, exactly the date like what I show below, and throughout this post. 31 is the 11th prime.

"Mike Bullard" with his name equaling 45 is found at 60 in Pi. The value of Pi is 3.14.

The next 3.14 date is March 14th, in 2025.

To the next 3.14, is 22 weeks from Mike's death exactly. Note again that a week is 7 days.

"Bullard" and "Comedian" = 22 in the 7 cipher, called Septenary.

The equation 22/7 = 3.14. Even so written out.

3.14 Pi, like Pie.

Someone sure has a sense of humor.

I'm still in the midst of watching and researching this video by Marty Reeds, released this past Sunday (I'm about halfway through), and although I don't agree with everything Marty says, the information he provides is extremely informative and intuitive. The point at which I've timestamped, Marty discusses the relevance between Pi and the Septenary cipher. The whole video has been really good so far for helping me further understand number symbolism, gematria and numerology in conjunction. For that, I'm thankful.

In this video, he explains the Septenary cipher breaks down based on the number 7.

The alphabet crescendos to the G = 7, then down to the 1 for M and N, then crescendos again to the T (much like the cross as I think about it), and then back down to Z = 1. So right there with the 13 and 7, a 137, we have a 33 prime connection. The 2 sets of 13 are also perfect for this study.

What's really interesting about the cipher is the word "Seven" on which it's based.

As you read this blog you will see that this cipher is perfect for this study, considering all the 22s. And considering we have 22 in the 7 cipher, how neat that once again that 22/7 = 3.14, which again is Pi.

Going back to my "cross" thought, how neat is it that "cross" = 22 also?

It's fitting that news of Mike's death was released on the day leaving 79 in the year.

And that's because 79 is the 22nd prime.

It was also 4 months 0 weeks and 1 day, a 401, from Mike's last birthday to his death. (Exactly 4 months without the end date, 4 = 2x2, or 22)

The number 401 is the 79th prime, and 79 the 22nd, so you get that three number step-down, as I like to call it. The numbers line up perfectly.

And furthermore, the reason we got news of this on the 13th, was because the 13th held a life path of 31. (They love the 13 and 31 combos, especially in relation to eclipses)

 This goes back to "Thanksgiving" = 60, because 60 is found at the 127th place in Pi.

And 127 is the 31st prime.

This year aligned perfectly for the "death" of "Mike", because his birthday this year, due to the leap year, was the 163rd day of the year.

And 163 is the 38th prime.

"Leap Year" = 38.

It all aligns.

"Chuck Jackson" is the one that found him.

"Chuck Jackson" = 38.

Fitting that Chuck confirmed his "death" on "Friday". This day lines up so perfect, because "Friday" = 36. (Just take note of the 2 difference here between 38 and 36 also).

More on 36 in a moment.

Mike Bullard died at age 67.

"Blood Sacrifice" and "Human Sacrifice" both add up to 67.

The day we got word of his death was a 67 crown.

6+7 = 13.

The numbers in the date October 11 are 111.

The anniversary most celebrated by Royal Arch Freemasons is the 1717 founding of the Grand Lodge of England on June 24th. From that anniversary to the day news broke about Mike's death, was 111 days.

We knew someone was in for it this year.

The masons are fond of 74.

And the 38 life path is akin to "Mike" and "Death" in the same cipher, just in case you forgot.

The number 111 is like 666 in Hebrew.

Whenever a value is 111 in Ordinal, it will also add to 666 in Sumerian.

On October 17th will be the "Bad Moon Rising" = 666 as presented in Kodi's video here, 6 days, or 7 including the end date.

The number 666 written out as "Six Six Six", also has correlation with "Thanksgiving".

And let's not forget Mike Bullard's life path, which is a 39, when broken down is 3x13, or if one prefers, 13x3, the numbers 313 and 133. The number 666 in Revelation 13:18, written as the words "Six hundred threescore and six" = 313 and 133.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

In chapter 13 and verse 18, no less.

666 is the 36th triangular, adding numbers 1 through to 36.

"October 11, 2024" and "Mike Bullard" = 36 in the Septenary cipher.

We learn of his death 18 days (6+6+6) to Halloween. (Also notice the 13 and 31 combo in the October 13th and 31 dates)

"Masonry" = 18.

And now you know why he was pictured with a "red" background.

18 x 2 = 36. Isn't their spell casting fascinating with all its mixing and matching of colours, dates and gematria? If people only knew... I hope what I'm showing helps.

It's much akin to how last year, I found 3 cigarettes in early summer, shortly after my release from incarceration. Later, I found 8 stashed on my walk path, a 38. Perhaps I shouldn't have admitted to the masonic psych that as a teen, cigarettes were my best friend, a habit I had quit 20 years prior.

Then a week later after the 3 and 8, I found another 18. As if this wasn't the devil's minions setting me up. At the time I write this, know that I have 18 left before this habit is once again discontinued, much like I did heading into last winter, believe it or not, on 11/1. This year, there have been at least 3 times when I've come across cigarettes while out walking. The devil's working hard, not only against me, but against all of us. Again, read the spell casting regarding this that I face on a monthly basis, as I do believe "cancer" is what they're aiming for. Makes me wonder what Mike's cause of death was.

On the Satanic ritual calendar, October 13th starts preparation for Halloween celebrations.

The date Mike died, was the day leaving 81 days in the year.

Spells (no pun intended) a good day to perform a "ritual" kill, especially with a 45 "Mike Bullard".


The date of death, October 11, 2024, had a crown of 65 and a life path 29.

 "Comedy" = 65 and 29.

And this may be partly why he was part of a Halloween sacrifice, Halloween known by satanic occultists as "Samhain".

Now you know why Mike is pictured in a "white" shirt.

A white shirt with a red background subliminally reminds us of the colours of the "Canadian" flag, and that Mike was in fact a "Canadian".

Keep in mind that 29 for a moment, as I tie it into the recent eclipse, and further to the date of Mike's passing.

The "Maple Leaf" as emblem of the "Canadian Flag" was also not an accident.

Nor were the colours chosen for it. Did you know you're flying a satanic flag of a corrupt, criminal organization masquerading as government? The one that I hung in my window I threw out in 2020.

Making sense why Mike died the day he did?


The other major event this month was the "Eclipse" on October 2. (The 2...)

The 33 of "eclipse" just like the acronym of "Canadian Comedian", the CC = 33.

It should be known that "eclipse" in Satanic gematria holds the value of Pi.

"October" is the only month to equal 33.

Don't forget that when we think of "October", we subliminally associate the leaves changing colour, and also the colour of pumpkins, which are "orange". I hope one can see how deep the subliminal brainwashing goes. (Just wait till you see at the bottom where the TV critic is located on CTV's coverage, this will make more sense)

This is another reason why the news was released on the 13th, because 1331 is the ultimate eclipse number, and the numerology of October 13th had both. October this year was also host to an eclipse on the 2nd. The 1331 eclipses into 131, much like the date of the news on 13/10 (the number 131 also represents "ritual human sacrifice").

And remember that "Mike Bullard" = 45, because "Solar Eclipse" = 45.

From the "Solar Eclipse" to Mike's death was 10 days.

The life path of Mike's death was a 29.

And 29 is the 10th prime.

Maybe it's "Satan" who had the sense of humour about the Pumpkin Pi(e).

Fitting, because Mike's life path on his last birthday alive was 25, just like 2x5 = 10.

The time between his October 11 death and October 13 news release to the public was "Two" days. (Recall also the difference between 38 and 36 earlier, and my personal connections to 2022)

Not only does 13 play into Halloween theme of witches (to which there are 13 in a coven), but it is also the master of time number, time on which all these rituals are based, and furthermore, is a number of rebellion (as it's reported Mike got into some trouble in his life and lost his career path - He was charged with CRIMINAL HARASSMENT!!! Just like myself, just crazy), and it was 1/3 the angels that fell from heaven. Not only do we get word of his death on the 13th, but it was also 1 week 3 days from the eclipse.

 If anyone at this point thinks there's no relevance or meaning to word values in gematria, then question yourself the possibility of "witch" and "broom" having the exact same overlap. No coincidences.

It's also fitting that we got news 18 days (6+6+6) from Halloween, seeing that Halloween is the day leaving 61 in the year.

As 61 is the 18th prime.

His actual death was 20 days before Halloween.

And that's primary number for "Mike", "death", and "time".

Death is what Halloween is all about.

The eclipse on October 2 also had a life path 20.


I couldn't help but notice his initials of M.B. also. Now, this could be a stretch, but say written on a form where you'd write your last name first, we would have "B.M." Not a BM like all that turkey and pumpkin pie exiting one's body (but could be part of their sodomite humour still), but rather with the B=2 and M=13, where we'd have a 213. Sort of gets back also to the 2 sets of 13 we have in the Septenary cipher.

I suppose with all the 13s, 666s, and timing of it all, it's very likely the devil could have devised all these intricacies.

I'd suggest it gets pretty evil when these people show footage of Mike in front of signage (video here) displaying a 1010 Radio station...

... because we know that 10 x 10 = 100, and to most, Thanksgiving is all about...

This Thanksgiving was also about Mike's "Revelation", his end, for those of us who have deeper understanding on spiritual matters. Also, as a whole, we are currently living out Revelation.

Now here's is another extremely interesting connection to the "Revelation" of Mike Bullard. The name Bullard contains the word Bull. When thinking astronomically, one would be lead to the constellation of Taurus, being a bull.

On October 11, the day Mike died, the planet of "Jupiter" was in the "Horns of Taurus".

"Horns of Taurus" = 60.

"Jupiter" = 45.

The Horns of Taurus are also known as the "Golden Gate" of the Ecliptic.

Mike died 6 days before, or 7 including the end date, a 67, the age Mike died, to the full moon on October 17th, and also why we got news of his passing 4/5 days before this full moon.

"Moon" = 197 in Satanic.

And 197 is the 45th prime.

That moon became its fullest at 7:26 am on October 17th.

The word "Revelation", in the 6 cipher known as Sumerian, like 6 days to the Full Moon, adds up to 726.

"Moon" = 6 in Septenary.

To show you how incredibly accurate these black magick sacrifices are, consider that from 7/26 this year, up unto and including the day of Mike's death, was 11 weeks 1 day, a 111.

It was also 2 months, 16 days, where 216 is 6x6x6, a 666.

And the 222 and 78 days you see, is because these occultists like to line up their rituals here on earth with themes occurring in the heavens. I hope one recognizes the significance of this, as it pertains to their motto, "As Above So Below".

Just to finish off the intricacy of this, know that July 26, 2024 held a 77 crown.

And without the end date to Mike's death, was 77 days.

Without the end date, Mike would have passed 2 months 2 weeks 1 day, a 221, after this July 26th date, remembering that the acronym of Golden Gate, GG = 77.


From Mike's birthday this year to his death was 123 days.

And back to the picture of Mike drinking water, what do you see written above the 1010? We see "In Depth Radio".

No "conspiracy" going on here, right?

This also reminds us that Murder by Numbers is as easy to learn as ABC=123.

The mockery never ceases. For goodness sake, he's even drinking "water" in this clip.

"Radio" also ties into "Samhain". I know that because of this ritual run against me (88 days prior to Mike's death, no kidding) involving "radio". It all stems from Satan being the prince of the power of the air, like how radio waves are broadcast.

Getting back to the 2 and 22 again... 2022 ... I was arrested on 2/22 ... "Eclipse" = 222... we have this verse about Satan, located in the 2nd chapter, at the 2nd verse of Ephesians.

Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:


In this CTV News video, (please watch again for context for this next part) it's super creepy that interviewed is a man by the name of "Bill Brioux", sporting that BB = 22 acronym...

...or more so the fact that he's broadcasting from the same place my own family was today, and that was in "Orangeville" celebrating "Thanksgiving". Fitting town to broadcast TV commentary from with that overlap of 60 with "Thanksgiving". ORANGEville, sheesh...

"White Sweater" = 60. Likely just another Freemason reporting another sacrificial death of one of his own.

That "globe" in the background is no accident. Got to keep that lie going or it will definitely all fall apart. I do believe the globe earth deception is one of the biggest lies/spells perpetuated on man, and if that spell can be broken en masse, then the whole masonic system will come crashing down. I in fact see 2 globes. Or is one a clock?

Make sure to watch Bill's eyes as he reads from his script on the bottom right, making sure to hit all the exact KEY words for his spell casting at the right moment.

And who is that nefarious looking person over his right shoulder? (I saw later it's 33rd degree mason "Walt Disney" = 42) What exactly is that shadowy figure displayed in sepia colouring in that rectangle on the wall? When one slows down to stop and consider it all, it gets really, really creepy; this subliminal spell casting. I even see the Saturn swish with the stool, chair or table behind him. I could go on in regards to the symbolism for some time, but know that the colour sepia gets back to the "cuttlefish". All strategically done.

So, what are the chances that this symbolism is used by "Bill Brioux" on a call to CTV?

Pretty high. He's telling us who and what he is for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

No wonder he's on a call (hitting keypads to make a call) today. Even got Mike's 39 life path in Pi at 43, how intricate.

We're even told of how Mike went to the "Ukraine" at 1:43. The 1:43 turned into seconds (60 seconds in a minute, how fitting) is 103, and 103 is 27th prime. The number 27 = "Ritual" (and "witch/broom"). Well, thanks for clearing up any doubt for us as to what this "ritual" was all about; with the overlap of "Murder", exactly what's happening in Ukraine right now.

Yes, I'm sure Mike had a "complicated legacy".

But thanks for making us aware of exactly what this was.

As you watch the news footage, pay attention to the ticker news stories and the times being scrolled on the bottom right. You will see many of the same numbers of which I've discussed here today, like the 60 wounded to correspond with "Thanksgiving".

How about Mike being pictured in a "Green" suit?

Could it be perhaps that "Green" = 49? Getting back to the Septenary pattern of 7x7? Or that 4+9 = 13, so the magick gets compounded?

Or is it because 49 is the life path of this Halloween?

Or are we subliminally getting the "Revelation" of Mike's passing? Revelation, a book with 22 chapters.

I can tell you these are all the reasons why. With Mike being charged with Criminal Harassment, would one really take me seriously if I told you that while I was in hospital, that the intern's name was Dr. GREEN, and that furthermore an uncle of mine died on St. Patrick's Day, the day associated with the colour GREEN? Well, I tell you the truth. This is, without doubt, the same satanic hivemind behind both Mike and my uncle's death. It is extremely difficult to comprehend without one's spiritual blinders removed.

The same reason for the green suit, is also why he is also pictured in a "white" shirt with black writing (masonic duality) with the word "Yamaha" written on it in another scene.

Is because "Yamaha" also brings us to the life path of this Halloween, and 22 weeks to Pi.

At :27 seconds, like 27 = "Ritual", "witch", "broom", we have Mike standing in front of a "Bar".

The word "bar" is reflective of the holiday season of "Thanksgiving" where lots of drinking will take place. Has that demon on the left got 2 fingers in the air?

Incidentally, Mike's life path of 39 shows up in "Martini" = 39.

"Martini" is also 105, just like the 808 months in Pi Mike lived to.

It's at the 33 second into the 34 second mark we see Mike take a drink of water. What timing. I could get into it, but it's complicated.

At :39 seconds, like Mike's life path, Bill mentions "TV" suggesting the group that took Mike's life.

At :42 seconds, "Athletes / Musicians" = 63 mentioned, this is in line with the "drink of water" = 63, the "bronze pipe" = 63 in the background. Makes me wonder if his death had been planned back as far as 2016, as 2016 is the 63rd triangular. Another interesting thing I've come across in regards to this 63 today, is Revelation 16:17.

Revelation 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

The seventh angel, and the voice of Yah stating, "It is done" = 41, which is the 13th prime. Kind of reminds me of everyone asking if the turkey is done, though I digress.

The number of the chapter/verse, 1617, is the 33rd Pentagonal number.

"Thanksgiving" in Satanic is 561.

And 561 is the 33rd triangular.

Revelation 16:17, with the header, comes out to 33 words, and the value of this verse is 630 and 1983.

So we get that 63 with a 0 crown, and 1983 is the year that The "Police" = 33, put out the song Murder by Numbers, which I would encourage everyone to watch here, because the lyrics help make sense of how Mike and many others like him are killed. The reason the song was released in '83, is because "Murder" = 83.

63 with a crown. Interesting. Let's hope Mike repented and attained it before he left. Perhaps that's why he was sacrificed.

There's a lot of 63s happening throughout this whole decode, and I'm just not sure where they fit. Maybe it's the whole psychological themes of Halloween, associating the earlier shown "witch" and "broom" = 63.

At :55 seconds heading into :56, the anchor says "fallout and impact". The 55 gets back to the 5+5 = 10, as 55 and 10 are the numbers for "Satan", and 56 is the crown of this past eclipse. Again, no mistake.

These rituals are carried out with such precision, that I often wonder if in fact it is AI we're watching, or if in fact it is just the precision timing of the satanic hivemind operating in sync. Whatever this malevolence is, it's impressive. Bearing in mind none of these rituals have any comparison to what I have seen my Father accomplish is His own divine timing and wonders.

At 1:37, the 33rd prime, we again see Mike drinking his water.

At 1:53, where 153 is the 17th triangular we have Mike giving a thumbs up and a smile, and the anchor saying "public eye" ... "Public Eye" holds a 413 in Satanic, a reverse Pi. The number 17, like "kill", is the 7th prime, leaning much weight on the Septenary cipher.

At 2:04, I know 204 as "Delusional Disorder" for discussing these matters, after being charged with Criminal Harassment like Mike, we hear Bill say, "He kind of died with his boots on." Kind of?

137 is the 33rd prime.

A quick search of dying with your boots on leads me to a song by Iron Maiden, a band who famously wrote "Number of the Beast", and it so happens that this song was released in 1983, the same year as the "Murder by Numbers" song by The Police. A band with other songs like "22 Acacia Avenue" and "2 Minutes to Midnight".

The song comes from the Iron Maiden album "Piece of Mind" = 63. Just another piece of the 63 puzzle I imagine. The song is listed as the 4th song on the album, and I find this interesting simply because 4 = 2x2, that all-intricate 22.

At 2:07 Bill says "TWO WEEKS ago" .... Unbelievable. At a "Comedy Club", like CC = 33. Honestly, how many times can they recycle these numbers into their "ritual" = 27 ?

He was in "Sudbury". Talk about overkill.

Remember the 29 as "Comedy", "Samhain" and "Radio", and 79 and 43 as "Murder". The 31 is the life path of the news of Mike's passing October 13th.

At 2:22 we have the phrase "pretty good comedian" ... 222 = "eclipse", and "Pretty good comedian" = 66 in Septenary, the 66 being main number for "Number of the Beast" = 66, which we all know as 666.

There's so much going on in that clip. Insane that I can sit and write this for a whole day, meticulously analyzing it and still not cover it all.


I often wonder if those involved in these satanic sacrificial matters worry about their own lives. As it is written in Scripture in Job 5:13 and 1 Corinthians 3:19...

Job 5:13 He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I think those verses sum up very well what's happened to Mike Bullard. Let's just pray that Mike didn't do any of these murder rituals to any friends or family in order to get to the level of stature that he did, as sad to say, that's how it's done if you want to get ahead in today's world.


Seems fitting to end with Revelation 2:16, where 216 is 6x6x6, and with the header, the verse also works out to 666, making a total of 38 words at that. Let's hope this is an indication that Mike was drinking from the fountain of the water of life, before his life taken by the numbers. Another "It is done" verse.


October 16, 2024.

Hey! Glad my masonic gang stalkers are enjoying my blog! I hope they are considering their eternity, and how they have been lied to and mislead by the devil, the very entity that hates us, yet is very happy to drag these people to hell with him. See the symbolism on this yogurt? Nano !!? Like the nanotechnologies Satan is sticking in us all!!?? Unbelievable what people will put in their bodies. If only they could only read the symbolism. (As if Nano wasn't enough!!)

So, "two days later" after writing this post, I'm walking along the trail, and on the bench I usually stop to read my Bible, there is a "IOGO Nano" Yogurt container perfectly resting within the ruts of the bench.

The container contained 93ml of yogurt, with 1% fat(?). One of these from a 6-pack. See the 6-sided star?

The star of Remphan on the drink container, devilishly disguised as a likeable cartoon!

Would you feed this to your children? It's a Monster drink for kids. Evil.

The 93 ml has direct relation to Thelema magick. They probably pray over this crap as it leaves the factory.

If you take the 1% fat and tack it on the 93, we have 193, which is the 44th prime, representative of the word "kill".

Ahhhh ... and now I get this radio ritual back on 7/16 a little bit more too, as it was 93 days ago that this 101.7 radio ritual, like 10/17, October 17th full moon, was done. Done by a man named 133 in Ordinal, and it happens to be 13 weeks and 3 days apart. Imagine my shock! I even have "stars" listed in that ritual too! These people are pathetic.

Getting some insights from this video here about the Full Moon sacrifice of the band One Direction's Liam Payne. Notice he talks about the number 1017.

"IOGO" is 46 in Ordinal ("sacrifice"), and 116 in Jewish, which reminds me of the Tammy Scotts being killed last year. They love to remind me they killed her. She was killed with the 6-cipher, Sumerian. It's 33 weeks from the anniversary of her 2/28 death, and 19 weeks 3 days, that 193 to the next anniversary in 2025, just like on the bottle. (2025 is 45x45 ... 45 like "Mike Bullard").

Today is the 16th. The number "sixteen" when written out = 33. Much like October is the only month to = 33.

"Yogurt" = 636 in Sumerian.

 My name, "Michael Housego", = 636 in Extended English, what I contend is the ritual killing cipher.

Another cryptic death threat, no doubt. My name "Michael" also = 33.

It's 3 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, a 322, to my 2025 birthday. Skull and Bones number.

And it's 33 days to 11/17, the 322nd day of the year, where 1711 is the 58th triangular (58 = "Freemasonry")

"IOGO Nano Yogurt" = 79, the 22nd prime.

When I walked past the bench a 2nd time, the container had disappeared, no joke! Couldn't have been more than a 15 minute time lapse. Same thing happened with the decapitated rabbit they left on the path on 7/23. It disappeared too.

"Drinkable Yogurt" held a 707 value in Satanic that I know all-too well.

And a 42 as signature, just like how it adorned the date of my Dad's 3/8 murder back in '11. (3+8+20+11=42, who also died at 58)

To confirm this, there was a "red truck" = 100 ("turkey", "pumpkin"), 37 and 116 parked in the masonic graveyard as I walked by. The number 37 is the life path on which Tammy died. The 116 is the days to the date the 2nd Tammy Scott died from the first, and then a third died on 11/6.

It's also 37 weeks from my last birthday.

Honestly, it must suck to be on a schedule where you have to sit and wait for people just at an attempt to threaten and intimidate. What a waste of life. Furthermore, who would take the time to decode food products to threaten someone? The question is rhetorical. The answer is, a lunatic.

Today heading into tomorrow is a full moon.

The "Hunter's Moon".

Still praying you guys will repent. Jesus loves you. He's biding his time, hoping for you.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

You can keep threatening me. It's lost its effect. Why?

The only thing you're accomplishing now is adding the lavish furnishings to my already massive mansion in the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope you repent so I can invite you over. I truly do. We'll have a chuckle over how foolish we all once were.


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Canadian Comedian Mike Bullard Thanksgiving/Eclipse/Halloween 67

Originally posted October 14, 2024. We got news on October 13th of Canadian Comedian "Mike Bullard" dead on Friday, October 11th....