Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Life Paths of the Housego Family Killings

Originally written June 1, 2024 (12:12 - 13:37 post time)

I want to make sure that anyone stumbling across or coming to my blog can find my video testimony, located here.

It seems almost every day I find new connections regarding the killing of my friends and family. Today was not any different.

I believe that ten friends and family have been killed in these masonic sacrifices. My story is not unique, as these types of sacrifices happen every day to those around the world, as long as their numbers line up. At the height of my studies, I was documenting a suspected murder per week in 2021 and 2022. If you have friends and family who died under strange or suspicious circumstances, I would urge you to learn this code, simple as ABC=123, and find the truth for yourself of whether your loved one was also sacrificed for the incoming antichrist, and this New World Order.


I will try and keep this short, and on point.

My Dad died on March 8, 2011. This was a life path 15.

This life path of 15 reduces to 6 as per 1+5. Keep this 6 in mind. Much of this has to do with the number 6. The "Housego" last name = 36, which is the product of 6x6. The number 36 is also the triangular of 666. My dad died 6 years before my Grandmother, who died on 6/16, this 66 days before the Aug 21 eclipse, and 6 years before her eldest son Ken, who died on 3/17, which is the 66th prime.

The letter "O" is the 15th letter, like a circle. There's 360 degrees in a circle, just like my dad died 360 (a 36 without the 0) days after his 3/14 birthday, like Pi is 3.14. And what do you need to accurately measure a circle? You need Pi.

The next Total Solar Eclipse after my Dad's death was on November 13, 2012.

This eclipse was 616 days after my dad's death.

The number 616 is often known as the alternate number of the beast, 666.

Isn't it interesting that I just up and decided to write about this today when the number of the beast is revealed in Revelation 13:18. This is what you call the Holy Spirit working. It was April 14/23 I hit a 777 on the gas pumps. I didn't plan that, or this.

My Dad's mother, my Grandma, died 6 years after my dad on 6/16 in 2017 on a life path 32.

When you add the life paths together, 15 + 32 = 47.

The number 47 is symbolic for this "time" based sacrificial ritual...

...and is also the degrees in which the Freemason compass rests.

Time between Dad and Grandma's deaths was 6 years, 3 months, 1 week and 1 day.

This is important because the upcoming eclipse at the time of my Grandmother's passing was on August 21st. The number 6311 is the 821st prime.

It happened to be 66 days from my Grandmother's death to 8/21.

Then 6 years after my Grandma dies, her oldest son dies on March 17, 2023, on a life path 27.

When you add that to the life paths of Dad and Grandma totaling 47 + 27, it = 74.

Ken's dying on 3/17 is no mistake, because 317 is the 66th prime, just like his mom died 66 days before the eclipse, likely at the orders of a man numbered 66.

From my Grandma's death to Ken's death was 2,100 days exactly, 21 being 7+7+7, and the two zeros I believe represent the lives of my Dad and Grandma beforehand.

When written, "Two thousand one hundred days" yields a 317 in Ordinal gematria, just like the day Ken died.

Ken's primary name value is 48.

Ken died 389 days before the second Great American eclipse on 4/8, the one that my dad (Ken's brother) was sacrificed for.

The number 389 is the 77th prime.

When you add the three life paths of my Dad, Grandma and Uncle Ken, the sum of 74 to this 77, you get a sum of 151.

15 + 32 + 27 + 77 = 151.

The number 151 is the 36th prime.

Not only does the number 36 = 6x6, again representing the 66, but 36 is the Reduction value, THE MAIN value of my family's last name, the name of these three people, whose name is "Housego".

Also don't forget, the number 77 weighs in heavily to all that's gone on lately with me this past year as well. I wondered why there were so many rituals centered on that number.

A masonic uncle was at the 77th anniversary of WW2 in France.

I was released from hospital where I was institutionalized so they could threaten and discredit me by way of mental disorder, on March 31/23, which had a crown value of 77. That is, 3+31+20+23 = 77.

And also, my probation officer also donned a Freemasonry ring on June 27/23, and proceeded to tell me how his grandfather had died "7 years ago 7 days ago", what I consider to tie into this all, considering that this year, the year of the last Great American Eclipse, the eclipses for which all these people were sacrificed for, happened. This year, the anniversary of the 7/7 ritual my probation officer did on me, will host a crown 77, as 6+27+20+24 = 77.

The number 77 is found at the 36th decimal of Phi, the Golden Ratio.

Here's an example of what I'm writing about. I go to another town on my bike for a Bible study, and this is how brazen these people get. This pic from June 4, like 4/6 = "Sacrifice", or 6/4 "The Antichrist". I just simply interpret as a subliminal threat, or is simply a witch sitting practicing her magick, attempting 'sacrifice for the antichrist', just like ten friends and family now. I am on a life path 11 this year. Hmmm...

Yes, that is a 77 license-plated van parked sideways in the park's parking lot that pulled up within five minutes of me pulling my books out of my knapsack.

These are the things I put up with on the daily.

So, this is not all accidental. It's all planned, or it's a satanic hivemind mentality, or both. Take your pick.

Ten friends and family sacrificed now, and nobody lifts a finger, yet I can be thrown in jail and threatened and harassed in a psychiatric facility for reporting this stuff. And while in there, not only was my Uncle Ken killed, but my friend Tammy too.

Tammy = 18 and 27. Tammy passed, and then Ken died 18 days later on a 27 life path.

Ken was the third "Housego" = 27 to pass numerologically.

The number three, written in Roman numerals, is "III". Third "Housego" to die by a Murder by Number "Ritual" = 27.


There is much more to this, just read my other posts. This blog in its entirety is not even the whole of it. There is so much I could tell, yet it would take me days to speak it all.

I write this today, as it is a special date to me. June 1, like 61, is a numerical value for "Jesus".


Well, it was 414 days ago on 4/14 that I landed a 777 on the gas pump. I knew it was a sign from God.

Much more to it, but once again, I just wanted to give praise to the "Lord of lords and King of kings", Jesus Christ. All praise be to his name. Time is short. We are in a time of lawlessness as nobody will touch these disgusting crimes, and many do not even want to believe or understand truth. The gospel will be preached to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:12-14)

Seek the Lord Jesus, while he may be found. The end is coming soon.


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