Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hurricane Beryl

 Originally written July 3, 2024.

Just came across this correlation and find it of an interesting significance. Because if it's one thing I've learned over the years, is that there are no coincidences.

Hurricane Beryl is moving towards Mexico and the Gulf after devastating parts of the Caribbean.

When I got searching for both "storm" and "beryl" in scripture, I quickly noticed Ezekiel 1:16.

Ezekiel 1:16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

There's so many ways one could interpret that scripture.

Here is YouTuber Doenut discussing something reported being seen in the sky a couple days ago, and it looks a lot like what is described as Ezekiel's wheel.

Crazy, but when I brought up my bookmarks and loaded the video to source the link, it happened to be sitting on at the 3:43 mark when it loaded.

That's 7x7x7 and it infers I'm on the right track.

And this also is a huge sign to me, suggesting something is manifesting here. You see, the Tammy I knew passed 115 days from her 11/5 birthday, the date being 2/28/23 and this was 228 days to the eclipse last year. The numbers 115 + 228 = 343. I swear to Yahweh Elohim that I did not stop that video at 3:43 on purpose.

After Tammy's passing, another Tammy Scott passed on the anniversary of Freemasonry, 116 days later.

And finally, a third Tammy Scott passed on 11/6.

This all goes back to last year and the phenomena of the three Tammy Scotts passing away here in Ontario, Canada. It all centered on the number 116, connecting these events to Ezekiel 1:16.

Now, the last Tammy Scott to pass (and I just realized that she's wearing a poncho, much like thought-of Mexican culture? Like Beryl is barreling down on Mexico as I write this?) was on November 6, or 11/6 of last year.

From that 11/6 date to 7/4 tomorrow is 7 months and 4 weeks apart. So many people in the truth and Christian communities are watching tomorrow's date with excitement.

 The value of Ezekiel's 1:16 happens to equal 740 in Reduction.

I find it all-the-more interesting that this verse is given in 40 words, as it is the number 40 in which trials and testing are often associated with in the Bible. For example, Noah's ark, 40 days and 40 nights. The Israelites in the wilderness 40 years. Jesus fasting and tempted by the devil, 40 days.

Even the 11/6 date last year held 40 numerology (Yah allowing Satan's minions to test me via satanic number rituals, if nothing else).

From the anniversary date that my friend Tammy died on 2/28, was 40 days to the eclipse, or 40 days to April 7, 2024 when the end date is included, which is written most places across the world as 7/4.

The date span between 11/6 and tomorrow's 7/4 can also be counted as 34 weeks and 3 days, that 343.

As I mentioned earlier, the 343 was huge regarding Tammy's death, and can be read about here. I also saw a 343 car upon leaving the store when I received a 13 nickel.

November 6 and July 4 are also 241 days apart.

The number 241 is the 53rd prime.

And 53 is the 16th prime.

This three-number step down I call it, just like three Tammy Scotts passing. The Ezekiel 1:16 verse, not only is it the 16th verse of 40 in the first chapter of Ezekiel, but "beryl" is the 16th word in that verse.

Not only is "Sixteen" the only number to equal 33 in Reduction when written out...

but I find it so intriguing that 16 + 16 = 32.

What does one think when I tell them I was released from hospital 32 days after her death? Or how I spent 32 days in jail before being transferred to psych hospital for another 84 days, where 32+84 = 116? Yeah, sickening isn't it?

You know, or 4 weeks, 4 days, a 44...

They say she died of "cancer". How much do you think they can rub this in my face? I mean, after lies and intimidation, mockery is definitely their favourite tool.

A lot, because they think the general public is too stupid to understand this stuff, and after FOUR years of this, I'm starting to think they're right.

How about FOUR days after my release I'm ordered to give blood on APRIL 4th? Sometimes it's just all so infuriating to me that others can't see just how disgusting the devil's minions are.


The last Tammy Scott to pass was on 11/6 and that day was a 24 life path. When consider 40 - 16 = 24, again, it just kind of all comes together a little bit too perfect. The lodge to which their deaths were aligned was also founded on the 24th day of the month.

Before I go any further, I just want to point out Steve Fletcher's video where he links tomorrow's 7/4 date with the eclipse on 10/14/23.

It was on that eclipse that the number 78 was written on a local bridge, with 4 strokes of 2 surrounding it, and other cryptic messaging.

"Hurricane Beryl" has Reduction value of 78.

The time span between the 10/14/23 eclipse when this message was written to 7/4/24 is 8 months and 3 days, an 83.

Are they going to attempt something again with me? Will it be something aimed at the general population? Is it a nothing burger? The reason why I ask, is that the numbers 38 and 83 are associated with "Death", "Murder", "Killing" and the acronym "RIP".

I left the 74 in there too, because of course with the 7/4 date we're aiming at, it totally seems relevant.

The anniversary of my friend's Tammy's death happens to yield a 74 crown this year.

But I didn't want to stray too far from my point, which it seems always happens as I just find connection after connection after connection when analyzing these types of things.

I would just finish off by noting that not only is 11/6 the day leaving 55 in the year...

... but also that tomorrow has a crown of 55.

Just sayin', tomorrow has some strong indicators suggesting that something major could happen, as Satan may begin the final trials and testing, sanctioned by Yah's will.

Interestingly enough, 40 days can be most often be represented by 5 weeks, 5 days, that 55.

Now, I could just run this on forever, it seems. Because I thought this neat. I got looking at the verse in Matthew 4 that talks about Jesus fasting for 40 days. It shows up in Matthew 4:2.

Matthew 4:2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.

I found some interesting gematria in this verse. The verse total in Sumerian is 4242.

So, three 42s. I think triangular. The number 903 is the 42nd triangular.

So, if I roll back 903 days from this coming July 4th, what day does that take me to?

It takes us back to Jan 13, 2022, like 113. The number 113 is often used in occult circles to symbolize the number 33, as 11x3 = 33. It's also the number of 'Dishonesty'.

Amazingly enough, if you roll ahead 40 days from this 1/13/22 date, it takes us to 2/22/2022, a very special date for me, because this was the day I was jailed for "criminal harassment", a "dishonest" attempt by the enemy to label me a criminal for repeatedly warning my ex-wife and children of dangers lurking in this world, by the very people who charged me in order to cover THEIR crimes.

After I was released from jail that morning, I witnessed the "Hand of God" come through the clouds in amazing detail. Project Blue Beam? A spiritual experience? I'm still not sure. But it was something out-of-this-world incredible; That I can attest to.

And what does "Hand of God" bring me back to? It brings me back to the date of 7/4.

That event answered months of prayer, and lead me to 1 Peter 5:6-11.

1 Peter 5:6-11

6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Let's pray tomorrow be the day!


July 9, 2024 (02:47) So, 7/7 wasn't the day. But, I find it interesting that I finished off with that 1 Peter 5:6 verse, the 156...

It happens to be 156 days from the 13 Nickel, on 2/6 or 6/2 to this July 11. That 13 Nickel is what one would call "mirror magick", and that phrase is 156 in AWL Kabbalah cipher. July 11 happens to be a 62 crown and a 26 life path. It's also 96 weeks from the Queen "Freemason" dying. She also died a 1 year 307 days from July 11th, a 1307, which without the 0 is 137, the 33rd prime.

The number 1307 is also directly linked to Baphomet, which appeared in Knights Templar literature in the year 1307.

It's also 5 months, 1 week, 5 days, or 515, between the day I had an eagle fly beside the car, and my probation officer bring up Ezekiel's Wheel, to which I had related to the the 1:16 verse. "Jesus" = 515.

Ezekiel's Wheel seems to be all the rage. Check out this video here by Watchman Steve Fletcher 222.

And lastly, at the end of that video, he cites Genesis 7:11. I found this interesting, because this verse was used on me in a ritual in court in 2022. These people were suggesting they had something nasty for me lined up with the 11/7 eclipse that year. In fact, I have a feeling I was due in court 7/11 also. I thought they had used that verse because my dad was a glazier, and "Windows of Heaven" = 222. My first name combined with my Dad's first name = 222 in the same cipher.

It's a 303 from the 4/8 eclipse, where 303 is Satanic for "Saturn", keeper of time. Get rid of the zero and you've got your 33 for "eclipse".

There's loads more, but I'd be up all night.

We'll see what happens...

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