Sunday, July 21, 2024

Chaos or Cancer August 9/24 ?

Originally written July 21, 2024.

My video testimonial can be viewed here.

A video I made shortly after this blog that helps explain is listed here.

I can be reached at .

I feel the need to post these verses first. I will post it at the end too, but just keep them in mind as you read.

(Ephesians 2:2-3) "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others."


The probation officer did another ritual on me. He had an old "CKNX FM 102" mug he was drinking from with its logo displayed. This emblem is really, really old. I said, "Hey! That's my name, 102! That's pretty retro." I should have clued in right there to what he was up to, right?

As you see, the emblem is of the old local "radio" station contained in a HEART.

The FM could be representative of "Freemason", and 102 is my name in Reduction.

And they do love to mock and torment me after killing my friends and family, and keeping my children from me.
During the appointment, my probation officer used the number 72 twice in our conversation (can't remember the context). And he even leaned his head back and looked up, then looked to the east when he said, "Oh, I don't know... let's use the number 72."

And so the spell was cast.
Well, 72 goes back to the 72 Goetic demons that Solomon used to help build his temple, commanded by a ring that was given to him by "Michael" under authority from Yahweh. Testament of Solomon read here.

Here is the passage that speaks of the ring given to Solomon.

It was in the shape of a pentalpha, or in other words, a pentagram. Given to him by "Michael", of all angels. This is reminiscent of how Venus travels through our firmament, much like a five-pointed star.

If I'm understanding correctly, this ritual was about was mockery and trying to black magick "cancer" into me. And, or, it could be a warning for something to happen on August 9th this year.

You see, it was 72 weeks from my friend Tammy's death, and she died of "cancer", as it's likely, so did the other two Tammys killed after her. (One obituary did confirm "cancer" as cause).

"Tammy" = 72.
She died on a 37 life path.
The number 72 is found at the 37th string of Phi.
She was killed via the Sumerian cipher, as it was 228 days from her 2/28 passing to the next eclipse, and 228 = "Death" in this same cipher. The date of February 28th is most often written as 28/2 across the world.
This appointment was also 72 days from the anniversary of Tammy's brother, my best friend Steve, who was killed on September 26, 2019 in relation to the Mercurial eclipse on 11/11 that year, 9 months 11 days after his last birthday.

Reinforcement in the power of repetition.
This probation appointment was 5/6 days from the upcoming Full Buck Moon on July 21.

 And the Full Buck Moon date of July 21 hosts a crown of 72.

My probation officer and I ended up talking about the "stars" (conversation guided by him), and he talked about traveling to other "stars" in the cosmos, despite on another occasion us having a good laugh at others who think we live on a spinning ball. So he knows I don't believe in other physical worlds. I was baited into saying, "Well, I don't believe that; I believe the firmament works as how it was written in Chapter 72 in the Book of Enoch."
He mentioned the number 72 twice. "Venus" = 272 in Fibonacci, like two 72s. This would be another reason why he said 72 two times.
The number 272 is the 213th composite number, where 213 = "Death" in Satanic, so it fits well.

Here's an ad for what's known as a Second Venus Pentacle.

And/or, it could be that because I had cited The Book of Enoch and that chapter 72 at a past appointment, that he likely remembered this, because I believe that I may have completed a third mention of 72, where 72+72+72 = 216, or 6 x 6 x 6. He is having me unwittingly participate in his satanic rituals. I know what he's doing subconsciously, spiritually, but these devils are such friendly people, it's hard to resist their charm. Plus, I'm doing Yahweh's work, trying my best to show my probation officer there's a better way, and that is by the blood of The Almighty Jesus Christ. Precarious balance.

So in future, I really need to keep my mouth shut. Two ears and one mouth for a reason, right? But I just pray that Yahweh open his eyes and see the error of his ways. I have tried to show and point so many masons now to the way of our Messiah. If I could help save but one, I know it would make all the difference to Yahweh's Kingdom.
In regards to the word "stars", as Venus is in fact a wandering star, know that from 6/27/23, the day he wore a masonic ring and did a 7/7 ritual, it was 385 days to this 7/16/24 appointment.

"Stars" = 77.

Well, 77 is the 55th composite.

And 385 is the 10th square pyramidal number.

And 55 and 10 are the main numbers for "Satan".

The magick square of Venus happens to be a 7x7 grid with 25 right at its center. (Two 5s, like 55, or 2x5 = 10). August 9th is a 25 life path.
"Venus Ritual" = 72.
And going back to the 72, I watched this video stream immediately after writing this blog. Dekoding wtih Kodi is a channel one can watch if they want the truth. President Biden announced he will not be running again, this 42 months after his inauguration. As I speak of that 72, know that "Seventy-two" = 42, just like "Freemason" = 42, and the beast reigns for 42 months in Revelation.
They're bucking Joe Biden. He's stepping down comes in 5/6 days after my probation appointment, on the date of the buck full moon, where 56 = "Mike Housego".

We'll see if Joseph Aquaviva 2222's video stays up. He's killing it with his decodes. Please check out his work too if you want to understand how this all works, that sports, politics, and entertainment are not real. It's simply scripted number magick.

The Illusion also has a great ministry and knowledge of the numbers. He'll prove to you your favourite sport is fake and demonic. Please check out his channel too.

My probation officer gave me a card to return on 8/13.
Taking the card and recognizing the 8 and 13 sequence, I said, "Those are Venus numbers."

He said, "Is that bad?"

I said, "Well, Venus is Lucifer."

He said, "I thought Venus was the god of love."

To which I said, "I'm sure he is!"

I was going to make light of the fact that Lucifer loves it when spells are cast and his minions are trying to harm others. But I was on my way out the door, and there was another client waiting for his appointment, so I didn't have time to elaborate with all the awkwardness of this client hearing our conversation, and me talking about the devil.

It's 7 weeks and 2 days, another 72 from this August appointment to the next solar eclipse in October.

Venus gets back to the Fibonacci sequence of 5, then 8, then 13... the 8 and 13...
... and the time it takes this wandering star to travel through our firmament.
I notice it's verse 5 in the Testament of Solomon, and check out the way Venus travels in the firmament around the earth, relating to the pentagram ring that was given to Solomon.

As you can see in this article here, it even talks about the pentagram that Venus makes and the 8 and 13 sequence, the 5 petals of Venus and its 8-year cycle, a pentagram like the ring used by Solomon on the 72 demons.

Now, here's the kicker. I do believe this man is trying to off his demons on me for my oppression; Smoking, cigarettes, nicotine and tobacco demons, if you will. I saw him for an appointment on 3/4 this year before he took leave and he didn't return until 5/8, a span of 66 days. During that time on "leave", he quit smoking due to "HEART Issues", just like the heart presented on the FM 102 mug.
I believe that 66 is a number that makes magick come together. It was 69, or 70 days including the end date from his return on 5/8 ("Freemasonry" = 58), till this ritual was run on 7/16. (The number 167 is 39th prime, which is 13 x 3, and the Ordinal value of his name is 133.) This also ties heavily into the 69 and 70 weeks mentioned in the Book of Daniel.

Remember that Daniel's day count of 1,335 ends on August 9th, as written in Daniel 12:12. It's been 1,335 days since the jab was first rolled out.
And here's the main evidence tying this together. It's pretty simple.

While I'm sitting with my probation officer and he's drinking out of this heart-emblem mug, he mentioning the number 72 which is connected to demons, do you know where Venus was in the sky? It was right in the HEART of a certain constellation...

Yes, right in the HEART of the constellation CANCER.
72 is the 51st composite number.

And "Cancer Heart" = 51.

 And "Venus Cancer" = 510.

Of course all aimed at me, remembering it was "Michael" who gave Solomon the ring.

The number 51 has divisors that add up to 72. It is also the 6th pentagonal number at that.

The "Feast of Wine" on the Hebrew calendar is the 9th of Av, or on the Gregorian calendar, August 13th. Thanks to Patrick at ENDTIME Watchmen for this video alerting me to this fact.
As one can see, with his name totaling 133 in Ordinal, and my name 56 in Reduction, he did a really good job of tying us together in this ritual.

Admittedly, I have been struggling with these smoking demons. After quitting back in 2003 for the sake of making babies, the stress of jail and psych ward seemed a bit much, and I have been dabbling (not addicted mind you) with cigarettes this last year. Please pray for me that I keep these demons at bay, as I know Ba'al is the god of smoke, and my body Yahweh's temple.
Even the mug used would have been from the same era when I was a teen and smoking cigarettes.
One should be able to see the deeply sick, spiritual brilliance of how the devil operates.

This also ties into rituals from last year. After the 116 days incarcerated and once home, these entities were leaving cigarettes along the trails I walk in places I would find them. I made the mistake of telling the psych in hospital, that as a teen, smoking was my best friend and a refuge.
Of course now Yahweh-Yahushua takes that title of best friend and refuge, but it doesn't mean the devil doesn't want to sever that relationship and butt (no pun intended) his way in to my life again.

The patients (or demons in them) in the psych hospital used to speak incessantly about having a cigarette as the first thing they would do upon release, to the point where I too was planning on getting a pack of smokes the day I was let out. The subtleties of black magick, demonic brainwashing. Same way the news media manipulates people through suggestive programming.

Now, this gets heavy. This ritual all ties into both my friend Tammy, as they've been mocking me with her death forever now, and also the severing of me from my children. Look at the way he wrote his card.

See the way he put the 24 over the 11?

The numbers 24 and 11 are the prime and Fibonacci numbers of 89.

I have a stack of cards of these appointments now, and none of the other cards were written with what I'm sure he would of course call a gaff or mistake.
What happened to me on 8/9 last year? I was denied access to the masonic courts (read about it here) to claim trespass against me and furthermore gain access to my children, even though I already have a court order to see them and have systematically been denied access to them since 2018.

Also bear in mind, that this 8/9 is the 222nd day of the year, leaving 144 remaining. It was on 2/22 when I was arrested in 2022. The result is me having to sit through and be mocked and threatened in monthly satanic ritual while on probation for 36 months (36 the triangular of 666, and the value of my last name, "Housego").

Just like the value of "Radio".
Of course this all stems from Jewish "time" magick coming from the Zohar, and also why he mentioned 72 twice, because 72 + 72 = 144.

This also ties into the 1,335 day count in Daniel 12:12, where 12 x 12 = 144, and it's coming to an end on August 9, 2024 as well. I would invite everyone to watch this video to understand the Biblical timeline.

Daniel 12:12 "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

It will be 1,335 days since the jab was rolled out on December 14, 2020.

Now, "Cancer" = 277 in the FIBONACCI cipher, like the FIBONACCI sequence I'm talking about in the Venus 5, 8, 13 ... it's the number before added to the next, see how it works? 5+8 = 13, 13 + 8 = 21, then 21 + 13 = 34. The Fibonacci cipher is built off that pattern A=1, B=1, C=2, D=3, E=5, and so on...

It was the day they killed the 3rd Tammy Scott last year on 11/6 that I saw a car with a 277 license plate. You can read about the passing of 3 Tammy Scotts here, or here about how they tied her death into a court date I was not allowed to attend last year on, yes, 8/9.

The day I saw that gang stalker is 277 days to 8/9 this year.

This history of this radio station can be read about here. In 2006, they changed their name from CKNX FM 102 to "The One".

The day he performed this ritual on July 16, 2024 held a crown and life path of 67 and 31.

The values of "The One" reflect the same.

Wonder how long he'd been lining up the numbers for this "FM 102 Mug" "ritual" ?
Pretty sure they were gearing up for it since the eclipse on October 14th, the day 78 was written on the bridge by my house with four strokes of two around it.
Well, not only does 78 = "Cancer" in the main Kabbalah cipher...

... but that eclipse just happened to be 277 days from the day of this FM 102 mug ritual.

Or, it was 9 months, 0 weeks and 3 days, making for a 903.

Where 903 is the 42nd triangular.

And the "Seventy-two" uttered = 42.

Again, all about the timing and compounding the black magick.

With all that's been going on with Trump = 88, it's possible something will happen 8/8 this year, leading into 8/9 "chaos", and by Saturday the 8/10, there will be pandemonium. I've always heard the financial pundit truth tellers say that something will happen on a Thursday, leading to calamity Friday, and ensuing chaos into the weekend.

In fact, just an edit here on 8/3 (like "death", "murder" interesting ehh?), tonight JeramiahBabe in California, a man who I watch for financial summaries, held up a piece of paper tonight with the number 277, and talked about the the stock market crashing. So I figured I'm on to something.

That's what these black magick magicians seem to be pointing at, far as I can tell. I ran all the dates last night of death and ritual surrounding me, and many of these numbers and dates do align.
Of course there is WAAYYYYYYY more to this decode, but I don't want to overload. I may add the advanced portion of this ritual later on, and explain how it ties into the numbers 6, 13, and 41, and a ritual done 6/27/23 last year where my probation officer used a Freemasonic RING during his magick.
Even the 24 - 11 on the card = 13. Witchery. Death. Mastery of time.

I would just leave you with the fact that "Radio" = 29.

As does the whole phrase that was printed on the mug.

My next probation appointment is on 8/13, a date that holds a 29 life path.

Where 29 is the 10th prime. (The stock market crashed 10/29/29)

And "Satan" = 10.

He is the prince of the power of the air, just like how RADIO is transmitted.

(Ephesians 2:2-3) "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others."

Incredible how the Bible tells me exactly what went down during my appointment. And of course Lucifer's literature also explains the same, but just reverses it all.

(Isaiah 14:14) "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

It is 10 days from the birthday of "Barak Obama" to my next probation appointment.

"Barak Obama" = 65 and 29.

Just like my next probation appointment is a date with a 65 crown and 29 life path.

"Radio" = 216 in Fibonacci, and Barak was born on the 216th day of the year. The number 216 = 6x6x6, just like the number of "the beast" is 666.

Chaldean is an ancient cipher with roots back to the Babylonian captivity, the time when all this black magick and forbidden knowledge was being handed down by Nimrod and the fallen angels, and later written down as the Babylonian Talmud.

It's 10 days from 8/9 to the full moon on 8/19.
(Ephesians 6:12) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

(Matthew 24:8-9) "All these are the beginning of sorrows.  {9} Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake."

August 24, 2024.

Now, considering that August 13th is the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar, and this was the day in history that Solomon's Temple was destroyed, how interesting is it that in Proverbs 8:13, like August 13th, the day of this ritual, and Proverbs the book that Solomon is credited with, the values of this verse align perfectly with the 414 days from the day he did a ritual on June 27/23, and my return date of September 9th after the 8/13 date? Not to mention the double 666 as 1332, the 441 representing 777 and squared finality, and the 336 in Septenary, where 336 + (7+7+7) (7+7+7) = 777, or the time from my dad's killing to my uncle Dan's...

Canadian Comedian Mike Bullard Thanksgiving/Eclipse/Halloween 67

Originally posted October 14, 2024. We got news on October 13th of Canadian Comedian "Mike Bullard" dead on Friday, October 11th....