Tuesday, January 30, 2024

414 and 77 Incredibleness Continued

Yesterday, I posted a piece titled Gasoline 777 & 333 Betty White ... this is somewhat a continuation from that.

While in hospital, I somehow got onto the number 414 through exercising "eclipse code" on the number 41114. I was also writing days before on the number 77.

Here are my writings from March 23, 2023.


My studies had lead me to look at many of the 14th verses in the 4 chapter in select books of the Bible.

Notice the word "water" written 3 times in John 4:14.

(John 4:14) "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Water is a 22 in both Reduction...

... and the Septenary cipher, the cipher that counts by 7.

John 4:14 comes out to 661 in Septenary.

Last night I finished my blog looking at Revelation 7:4. That verse too had a main value of 661. Seems to be a pattern developing.

661 is the 121st prime.


The number 121 is 11 squared, or 11x11. If one adds 11+11, we get back to the 22 of water, and the verse of John 4:14.

It was 22 days from me writing about 414 in the hospital, until I hit the 777 on April 14th.

Water is often symbolic in regards to renewal, or rebirth. Such things as baptism and being born again.

I was baptized (in water) on September 30, 2022.

From September 30, 2022 to April 14, 2023 is 197 days.

197 is the 45th prime.

The day I was baptized was a 45 life path.

From the day of my journal entries to the date of my baptism was 25 weeks.

The number 25 is the life path of April 14, 2023.

The life path 25 resonated from that April 14/23 into this past January 22/24 in an incredible way. I wrote about it here. Everything just kind of melds at this point, because from the day I was combining the 41114 into 414, March 23/23, was 9 months 30 days, just like I was baptized on September 30th.

And finishing up with the value of John 4:14, the Reduction value of 661, when written out, "Six hundred sixty one" produces a value of 257 in Ordinal.

The number 257 is the 55th prime.

5x5 = 25

2+5 = 7

7 like the Septenary cipher, 7 like three 7s on the gas pump on April 14th, like John 4:14...

Yah's Matrix is fascinating.

(Mark 4:14)The sower soweth the word."


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Canadian Comedian Mike Bullard Thanksgiving/Eclipse/Halloween 67

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